An image of this print, along with artwork by many, many other artists, will by included in a book to be put out by UPPERCASE Gallery in the fall. Ordering information is not available to the public yet, but the books should be relatively cheap (estimated around $25). I'll let you know where you can order them as soon as that information is available. Until then, visit UPPERCASE for more information about the upcoming exhibition and book!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Old School Print
An image of this print, along with artwork by many, many other artists, will by included in a book to be put out by UPPERCASE Gallery in the fall. Ordering information is not available to the public yet, but the books should be relatively cheap (estimated around $25). I'll let you know where you can order them as soon as that information is available. Until then, visit UPPERCASE for more information about the upcoming exhibition and book!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Art Soak Yardsale Photos
Setting up on the street.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Yesterday's Art Soak Yardsale was quite an event.
Art was sold, free haircuts and lemonade given out. It was nice to have street interaction with the neighborhood in addition to the more sheltered studio space three floors above. That evening Switzerlind played a great set in the middle of a lightning storm. People were kind of enough to solider the weather and arrive at the party dripping wet. The evening finished with DJ'ed a dance party in the studio next door that went into the wee hours of the morning. Thank you to everyone on who came to either the sale or the party, and a special thank you to Switzerlind for hauling an organ up two flights of stairs to play for us!!
Julia took pictures to the event, and I will be posting them shortly, so check back often!
If you were not able to make it to the sale and you are interested in purchasing my artwork, please go to my website's gallery and then contact me via email to purchase the work.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
New Series on Website
In an ongoing effort to add more content to my website, I have added another series of photographs. Despite the fact that the photographs were taken in Minneapolis, the environment and resulting images reminded me greatly of my childhood home and are thus titled 'Farmland'. The series was completed about two years ago, with a borrowed 35mm camera as mine had recently been stolen. The little images (approx. 3" by 4") have decorated my apartments ever since, but since I still shoot with film they were never digitalized until now.
I have added 10 images from this series unto my website. The entire series of photographs, including many not featured on my website, will be for sale on June 14th at the Art Soak Yardsale at Camphor Studios.
Please check it out.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Sixth Minnesota National Print Biennial
While the exhibition is still months away, I am thrilled just thinking about it.
The Sixth Minnesota National Print Biennial
The Katherine E. Nash Gallery
405 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
October 7th - November 6th, 2008