Saturday, January 29, 2011

SUBPAR on the front page of The Eagle

SUBPAR and Salt City Dishes are the front page story of this week's The Eagle (CNY). The paper included two articles about the grant and gives a glowing review of the microgrant event:

"Only one of the nine project proposals would walk away with the $1,000 minigrant from the debut Salt City DISHES dinner on Sunday, but the intangible benefits, the networking and exposure each project gained from the event were just as invaluable."

A second article details the ideas behind our winning proposal:

"The SUBPAR proposal will create "unconventional street art" using hand-made, screenprinted ceramic tiles mortared permanently into place in an otherwise unused, unnoticed public space.
'Imagine a series of tiles that add a splash of color on a drab grey wall or boarded up window,' the team said during their presentatio
n Sunday."

You can find the whole article here.

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